The online platform developed by HIMURJA aims to facilitate submission of online application for installation of rooftop solar system. The online application platform covers applications for availing Govt. subsidy and submitting solar net-metering application to the respective distribution utility in Himachal Pradesh.
The services to be provided though online web are as follows:
- Online application process to avail subsidy and net-metering connectivity for rooftop solar system
- Rooftop solar Calculator – Cost benefit assessment of rooftop solar system for different consumer categories
- Information with respect to empaneled vendors, System Integrators, Financial Institution/banks, Equipment Manufactures etc.
- Grievance Redressal Mechanism
Applicants can enjoy following benefits from online web service
- Online application submission and status check
- Online approvals from different government agencies
- Easy and Quick Access (27 X 7) of service
- Estimation of energy yield, energy saving, payback period etc.
- Complete information on project installation and connectivity
- List of trusted vendors
- Help line numbers for support
The application provides clarity on checklist and data inputs required from consumer while filling application, status of application, intimation to state agencies (HIMURJA, Utility) on action required & processing, output reports & additional information to support installation.